In 1983, David Meredith, a mathematics professor at San Francisco State University, published an article in a curiously-named home computer periodical.
Dr. Meredith certainly didn’t lack credentials: honors graduate from Stanford, Ph.D. from Brandeis, Harvard fellow, taught at MIT.
Perhaps more impressively, he convinced Hot CoCo not only to publish pages upon pages of 6809 assembly language, but also to provide additional space so that he could explain the concepts in a way that I could understand. As a twelve year old, it served as my introduction to assembly language and computer graphics.

Professor Meredith was a great teacher, confident but humble. Which reveals this sentence in his article not as bravado, but a call to action:
I do not believe this program could be recoded to run more than twice as fast as it does now.
Challenge accepted! Source code and a disk image:

Thanks to Russell Lindberg for preserving the original source material necessary to complete this project. And thank you, Professor Meredith, for a career in tech and the arts.